A new path forward
The solution is you.
Stand up, Step in, and Speak out.
Get caught doing the right thing:
Stand for Courage
bullying prevention program
As mentioned in:

The stuff we are doing is not just backed by science. It is teen-tested.
Snapchat, Instagram, the school cafeteria, P. E. class: many teens spend the majority of their waking hours recalibrating the balance between being themselves and wanting to just blend in. Sticking their necks out on a good day is a calculated decision. When someone they know is being wronged, the thought of getting involved isn’t just risky — it can be downright paralyzing.
Stand For Courage was developed to prevent bullying in middle and high schools by offering students effective and efficient strategies to support one another. Many anti-bullying programs are resource intensive, adult-driven, punishment-based and reactive. Conversely, Stand For Courage builds positive, durable, student-driven supports that fit individual school contexts.
We don’t focus on the bully. We don’t focus on the target. Our program is about the bystanders, and empowering them with ways to de-escalate a situation when they see something happening that just isn’t cool. We built our program around the latest brain science and behavioral science — and it’s working! Students in Colorado, Utah, Kentucky, Oregon, and Washington have already experienced transformation. Our program has proven success. In the schools where our intervention is implemented with support, bullying and menacing behavior is substantially reduced.
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School-Based Kickoff and Immersion
We advocate and model our proven process that enables, uplifts, and empowers teens to feel valued and respected.
Incentivize a New Culture
We incentivize the use of personal power for good by offering recognition to those who stand up courageously for themselves and others, creating a new culture where bullying just doesn’t catch on.
Reinforce Positive Changes
We reinforce the principle of mutual respect, its important role in creating stronger and healthier communities, and ways to teach young people to be their best possible selves.
Schools Implementing Stand For Courage.
Studies have consistently shown that 90 percent of kids who bully do it for attention. We serve middle and high school students who are really excited about more connection, more kindness, more playfulness, more permission to comfortably and confidently be themselves. We know we’re onto something big because more and more schools are raising their hand to get in on this.
Stand For Courage: The Bottom Line.
Cost to implement: Low
Staff time to implement: Low
Student engagement: High
Positive student outcomes: High
What the world needs right now is
more courage.
When we see possibilities,
we create possibilities.
Any town or city can, regardless of size or resources, implement this model. Sponsorship by small businesses and existing venues (such as sports events, local community center, etc.) can supplement the system and host award ceremonies for teens who Stand For Courage.Media partners:
Podcasts, Radio, TV, E-Zines can highlight and share Stand For Courage moments and stories. Storytelling is at the heart of Stand For Courage and sharing compelling submissions spreads the message.Middle and High Schools:
Ask for an implementation kit, create a SFC Youth Leadership Team and we'll be right there with you every step of the way -- we are here to make sure you have the support you need to start logging wins day one. For a kit and more information please contact us.
Opportunity for Social Investment in Stand For Courage
When bystanders stand for courage, it’s our responsibility as a society to stand for them. Stand For Courage is more than an initiative;
it’s a movement.
In order meet the demand for our program, we are actively looking for and interviewing partners who might be a good fit to fund and support our expansion.